Time : 3pm approx
Mission : Accomplished !
>>What in the name of rainbows is she talking about? click on www.saerze.com
S a e r Z e - J u l y 2 0 0 5
How has everyone been? I just touched down from Amstrdam yesterday morning and
it was one of hell of a good trip... and tiring, yes!
To begin with,
Live interview on Radio Mol
My ruby got me an interview (thx to his friend, Saape) with DJ Glenn of 'Hitlist
40 show' on Radio Mol in Belgium where I spoke about my debut album Shameless
which will soon be released! The station also played for the very first time my
2nd single, Room for 2 and it will from now on be on their playlist and head on
the charts! If you like, you can visit www.radiomol.be and here are some

Out of Passion's Reach
The night before leaving for Europe I also headed on to Passion, KL, and checked
out the resident band 'Curtis Blues Review' who won 3rd place at the Blast Off!
competition recently. They called me up for a finale and so we did 'Out of
Reach' by Gabrielle together, here's a photo;

JnR supports Shameless
JnR is a popular music store in Hasselt, Belgium and while I was there I
certainly did not miss out on the opportunity to check the place out... heck,
even Sting and Cypress Hill shops there! They love the Shameless album so much
that they are now keeping my album 'Shameless' on their store's playlist...
wooh... check them out...

Idolize the Ash Kash, Malaysia!
My friend, Ash is now Malaysian Idol's Top 10! WOoh... he damn should be.. so
keep your eyes on him... I also must say that this other guy I met at the Idol,
Kash, also def deserved a spot on the Top 10 so VOTE KASH.. =]
(and no, they did not pay for this advertising space, at least not yet =])
Flava for the Soul
DJ@Work are a bunch of people who are enthusiastic enough about music to be out
there and get the best music out to be heard, so head down to Soul Flava at
Cyberjaya's Tree Haus this July 29th (features SoulVibrations) organised by

Ze and the Lobo Lobo
You know Dragon Red, yes? and Mr Adam Lobo? He turns out to be a pretty
simple-minded guy despite the scary look he puts on everytime somebody shoots
him... with the camera, of course.
While recording for their upcoming album's intro, (yes im on the album!)I made
him answer these simple questions that eventually took him a whole HALF AN HOUR
to complete!
1. How many times do you shower in a day, & why?
Adam: 2 times on weekdays, 3 times on weekends because our country is a
freaking hot country...
2. If you could be a woman for a day, who would you date?
Adam : Me!
3. What colour is your favourite thong?
Adam: I dont wear thongs lar!
4. Are you happy to know that Michael Jackson is now a free man?
Yeap... He was my big idol when I was a kid until he started wearing make-up.
But on a serious note, yeah Im quite glad.
5. Can you lick your elbow?
Adam: According to me producer Nick here, its physically impossible so.. no.
(He tried it anyways =])
6. What has been the weirdest reaction you have seen from your listeners?
Adam: There was this hot chick who asked both me and Slyde to sign her butt
7. What is 285x180x105?
Aiyoo.. I hate maths
8. Are you more like your mom or your dad?
A: Both, my low end vocals from my father and my high end vocals from my
9. How patriotic are you?
A: Well, I can remember the National Anthem.
10. Please draw yourself when you see a SEXY lady...
(will post the EXTRAORDINARY artwork on my site, soon!)
You can visit this macho lobo at www.dragonred.com, here's me and the lobo lobo
caught in the act! ;

Ze on the Blogspot
Im joining the millions of others on blog addiction and im posting the non-sense
proudly here at
(includes fashion consulting, community service, photos and other things that
goes on in my life.. pretty much)
Wall of the Shameless
In August, a SHAMELESS bunch of my friends and myself will be out and about KL
SHAMELESSly (with our cameras, darling!) so we can shoot and collect as many
SHAMELESS people as possible in the JPEGs holding a copy of the SHAMELESS
These photos at the end of the day will be exhibited at the album launch,
tentatively to be held in October. If you'd like to join in the fun just let me
know and we'll have the shoot goin wherever you may be!
Ze Recommends
LARYN - This guy is as a matter of fact, my ruby, produced my Shameless album
with him simply because he IS an awesome electronic music producer. He comes
from Belgium and thus far has 4 tracks for you to freely download. Ive also
never met anybody who is crazy over Tom Yam as he is, and perhaps the one and
only Belgian who can now make them with his eyes closed!
Here's Laryn in his own words...
I've been in Malaysia for a month and I love the music scene overthere.
So I was really interested to know what you guys think of my songs...
Sixty Three Naughty Combinations
Rising Tide
Full Flavored Nicotine
Indistinct Conversation & Laughter
WENDY IP - This girl's got extraordinary vocals, you can hear that she feels
free when she sings. I dont think I can say much about her but you can load her
tracks from here;
Download the Shameless
The album has yet to be printed , but it is available for online downloads on my
website at USD 4.99 (=RM20 approx, i think?) and if you're from the Europe you
can also get them via SMS for much cheaper! Click on to www.saerze.com
The printed, real, tangible CD copies should be out this August at about RM25
(USD 6.99, Euro 5 approx) and will be available on Ebay.
*Half of the year has gone, it's about time to get a kick on our resolutions!
Have a good one...
Peace&Love, Ze.

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W h o i s S a e r Z e ?
>> THEcolourCRAZYwalkingRAINBOW <<
http://www.saerze.com online@saerze.com