ive bn dreaming about it and calculating the risks for days and months and the first step has finally been taken. it's nerve wrecking, exciting but most of all... a relief. it wont be easy, not exactly a walk in the park. call me stubborn or call me persistent; i must want it bad enough - perhaps a lil crazy - to still want it at all.
history is about to be made :)
i am electrogasmic, yo, this betch is disco!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
jason mraz is mine
in order to be in the running to win a soundcheck w jason mraz, i think im about willing to do just about anything. fingers crossed!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
dress code : shine
just got home fr yet another club launch , n it was one of those times i felt like taking the dress code, like, seriously. when i bought the dress, it was a tad too big so i altered it to fit... and so i became the discoball :)
i wore our uber new design to the boutique today - 'rocksixnine' which looks arockin'! more photos of this tee will b up on the osixnine blog soon :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
My show with King Lhota & Abunation went pretty well. Check it out
A few photos off the trip w Naz :)

Sunday, April 06, 2008
if it isnt already obvious tht ive bn putting away precious time to watch all the mcavoy movies i can get a hold of... *sigh* and every single watch makes me want him so much more... for crying out loud!
he is so painfully charming.
grabs knife.
stabs heart.
and so ive confirmed it. he has his way with the kissing scenes. its CUH-RAY-ZEE. i've seen it so many times... the look he has on his face just before it happens... and you just never really know if it's coming... and then it comes in the most unpredictable way. The way he grabs the girl and make ME go weak in the knees... and i get caught in the moment. so caught up it h-u-r-t-s
stabs heart harder.
bleeds to death.
tecktonik is the isht
i've just discovered this dance thts currently hot in europe, called tecktonik which by the way - mind you- is COPYRIGHTED... this particular vid (which i've prolly sneaked 10 watches today alone) features 3 of the hottest tecktonik dancers, including Vavan and Treaxy. They blog here and here.
Song's a Yelle remix, a cause de garcons remix... HOT!!! Add 'tecktonik' on facebook, become a fan :)
i know i hv
Saturday, April 05, 2008
mcavoy to play cobain?

Not sure how I couldve missed this piece of news... but the thought itself is orgasmic enough. one HOT actor set to play one HOT, legendary musician. The movie, to b based on a biography by Charles Cross entitled 'heavier than heaven' sounds, like, HOT. I tend to lose better choice of words when it comes to mclicious.
ok. what ev er. ill wait for the movie. mceagerly.
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