i am electrogasmic, yo, this betch is disco!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
world, hold on
i was at the hitz awards, only to discover tht they actually had an award for malaysian english videos - too sexy wasnt even nominated. i was devastated, to say the least. but of course, im not fr the jakeman's fanclub. its all still clearly driven by men w only hannah tan being the only female nominee being mentioned. where r talents like jasemaine gan and izzy mohammad?
so muse is coming.. in feb? for real?
im certainly happy for pop shuvit , the 5 r actually in the running to b in Rolling Stone Magazine's top 25 myspace bands. Hw unreal is tht? im wishing them the best! you can also help trash the article w ur groupie shout outs on the rolling stone website..
i cant help but talk abt my next album... although its still very far fr being released. Ruben is working on the mixes, n things r looking good. 6 tracks at this point, and im still speaking to producers n musicians fr just abt anywhere who hv got the right chemistry to fit into this project. its gonna b a killer euro-electro party record - i promise u tht!
sigh. ive learnt so much fr releasing tht SHAMELESS cd - money just cldnt buy! ive suffered fr depression even, its crazy when u know too much. picking up the pieces... its better to fight than to sulk. let no mofo bring u down =p w all tht anger i cld prolly put out a gangster rap album or smthing. but im all abt showing some love baby. the world needs it.
ive got lotsa faith. smtimes maybe too much for my own gd. Here's hoping out loud... just like how bob sinclar puts it... WORLD, HOLD ON!
p/s: i hv just dicovered the gorgeousness of tht prison break guy. *yowza* id break into prison for him.
love. =]
Monday, November 13, 2006
choose wisely

Gotta love tht poster. N I cant wait for her highly anticipated comeback...
n I'm also happy to hear tht the Sex & the City movie might finally become a reality!.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Coulda Woulda Shoulda
So I'm writing this after a dancin' night out where the celebrated birthday boy got too drunk too soon and we all had to leave just in time for my one-and-only pair of boots to fall apart. Argh! The night felt so incomplete, but yeah whatever (the crowd wasnt too good anyways *sourgrapes*), plus there's still tomorrow to make up for a good weekend. ;]
My music might feel like it's on a stand still but things are being pulled together for my new singles as i speak. (or type). Will be squeezing in that shoot for the malay song Chumelnya Si Dia sometime soon. ATM, take a listen to 'Sweet Memories' on my Myspace profile!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
bite me foxy!



more drool...

gimme a min while i imagine him butt nekkid. (oops!) im pretty sure wht i want now if i were to b stranded on an island n i sure wldnt wanna b rescued. ;]
Thursday, October 05, 2006
A New Hermione?
I'm beginning to like Beyonce's Ring The Alarm, strange but true. But I suppose it has always been like tht with her songs... takes time to absorb em. Still, Deja Vu continues to be annoying.
La la la.
The on-goings of my next album... I'm happy to say I'm discussing things with a German label and see how that goes. Wish me luck.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
back in KL
Im happy to be back w my family, who are just as happy to have me home... such good food and weather! Production for the album will proceed, nonetheless. Will also be working on the 'Chumelnya SI DIa' music video soonish.
Gonna hv a laidback weekend... here's me in the airplane loo. =p

Love, Ze.
Monday, September 18, 2006
a month to 24. eek!
... Ive bt 3 days to go here in Belgium before leaving for KL. Wrapping up the 5 songs we've got so far for the next album. And of course, mentally and emotionally preparing myself to leave Ruben, yet again. NOt easy!
This is us in the studio ... =]

love, Ze.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Link me
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I love my radio PINK!
Yum. So whats new? Im currently lovin this cute video by Bob Sinclar - regardless of sm ppl calling it cheesy. Its got 2 girls and a boy strutting out in their cute lil costumes.. adorable! Hv a look.
Im a zombie, cause it almost 11am and I havent had a shuteye.
I did a voice over for a site called KISS YOU BETTER, where you can send anonymous kisses to anyone you admire/love/hate/fantasize. Some of the voices are mine... so hv fun figuring out which ones =p
I am totally lovin' Fergie's LONDON BRIDGE. Here's a vid of her recent live show at the VMAs. Totally kicked ass.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Give me back my sun!
The first single is scheduled to be released early 2007.
At the mo, Im also updating my website... im lovin it so far, itll hopefully be up by sometime next week. The one hint i can give so far is WATCH OUT FOR MY PINK RADIO! ..... and Im also happy to announce that there are 5000 people on my MYSPACE network now, the more the merrier!
Songs Ive been listening to a lot on the radio are Gnarls Barkley's CRAZY (its sticky!) , and SEXYBACK is oh-so-freakin-sexy, im liking the french female rapper DIAMS (or smthing like tht) ,im loving n hating the UNFAITHFUL by Rihanna and hmm.. I'm sorry Beyonce but i find ur Deja Vu video n song utterly busy/tiring/annoying. She's still a hot momma nonetheless.
Prince claims sexy never left, like yeah whatever.

In case you havent of this site already (where hv u been?)... it has come to my rescue at times of utter boredom =]
And... last night I saw MADONNA! Argh! I cant hide my happiness, no no. She totally rocked Amsterdam, and certainly for a woman approaching her 50s.. goddamnit she's more fit than i am.

Monday, June 12, 2006
Two Shoes

Absolutely loved this movie - very fast-paced (and maybe a lil confusing).. but DEFINITELY full of sarcasm. It's about this guy who gets caught in the middle of a murder (hot chick included). Stars Robert Downey Jr., Val Kilmer, Michelle Monaghan, Corbin Bernsen, Ali Hillis ... a must-watch!

Let me tell you now and again - these cats rock!
Their new album 'Two Shoes' is what I'd call a hippie-go-lucky record put together by a bunch of music geniuses who simply love having some fun with, well, music! Recorded in a humble studio in Cuba - and some awesome vocals by Felix and Harry, (plus, scratch-worthy adds by Jumps) they've got us grooooovin.
My personal favourites are 'In My Pocket' (Na na na na na and Na's), 'Two Shoes' (Boom Shak the Empire be rising.. aeeeiah!), 'Miserere' (Have you met a woman who doesn't remember her own name?) and 'Sol y Sombra'.
However, I would have to say I still like their first self-titled CD better - its got all the classics like 'Hello' and 'The Chariot'. They're on their world tour right now, and I got to see them at their first stop Esplanade S'pore on the 3rd of June. Very inspirational - felt like I was in Byron all over again. =]
And, I was happy enough to grab their cooler-than-cool army cap! Lookie ;

peace&Love, Ze.
p/s: If you havent checked out the new video/track 'Faster Kill Pussycat' by Paul Oakenfold that features the ever-so-hot Brittany Murphy ... it's about time you did! It sizzles... yowza.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
boy toy cherry vanilla

Despite whatever critics choose to say about Madonna's latest album - I LOVE IT! Cheers me up while driving through the unfriendly traffic KL has to offer. Hung Up is definitely a dancefloor favourite, it even helps turn my bedroom into one. She is an icon in her own right, this woman's got such a strong and determined personality - it's unbelievable.
She made her first record when she was 24, that is to say I am relieved. =]
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I've been reading a book (which I got for dirt-cheap $10 at the flea!) by shoe-designer Kenneth Cole called 'Footnotes' about his twenty years of experience in the industry. He's an amazing man - as a business-person and as a father - and is extraordinarily creative. He loves to add cheekiness and wit into his socially influenced advertisements which truly sets him apart.
He works around his problems by eventually taking advantage from the problems that comes along the way - which has made the brand Kenneth Cole what it is today.
Would recommend this book to young entrepreneurs in the creative industry - it's not heavy/serious reading... and lotsa images to look at!
You'd prolly finish reading it in a couple of hours whilst listening to L.A.m.B. =]