Despite whatever critics choose to say about Madonna's latest album - I LOVE IT! Cheers me up while driving through the unfriendly traffic KL has to offer. Hung Up is definitely a dancefloor favourite, it even helps turn my bedroom into one. She is an icon in her own right, this woman's got such a strong and determined personality - it's unbelievable.
She made her first record when she was 24, that is to say I am relieved. =]
Who doesn't adore her?
ooh, baddy spammy!
i've been constantly liking madonna since form 4!!! i am now influenced the pusing2 tangan dance!
will saer ze turn out like madonna in the next 15 years? still adoreable musically and physically! i support u all the way, girl! termissed ur music video launching today. sayang
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OMG I got to catch her show on the 3rd. yes awesome indeed.
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