dear diary,
i have just about recovered from the most bizarre, traumatic and eventful weekend of my entire fucking life. i arrived berlin on friday, performed in leipzig with a fever and lack of sleep, and bck to berlin on saturday for a show at the villa (which was hell! yeah! wicked). i was on top of the world. didnt sleep. and wasnt prepared for the nightmare that was to come on sunday. but it did, and i thought i was hallucinating the whole time. now, 2 days later i realise there is quite a fighter in me. ive only broken down once since, i wouldve expected me to have done so a lot more. i guess this is what they meant with what doesnt kill u only makes u stronger... im happy to know ive friends who r there for me. u guys r the stars!
Like a performance hangover?
Anyway... I WANT those tights, woman.
OMG. at that angle u look like Left Eye. ^_^
hugs from KL!!
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