dear diary,
sutasi requested that i sent them some personal pictures from way back then and when, to show a lil history of my life with all things music.

i must be 5 or 6 here... w my face painted by my mom for the first time

malay drama in school! i shouldve been the goddamn goddess in this one but NOPE, they made me a prancing slave. haha. find me :)

yamaha school choir - when i discovered i could actually sing in tune.
i was well motivated by a pretty boy as well (he's not in the picture so dont bother looking), but yes, i started chasing them at a young age... no one told me it was unhealthy.

with my Philippino vocal coach - darius!
i've trained with him since like 2002 and i still dont sound anything like Aguilera.
lol, he rocks socks :)

i was already electro and cool before i knew it.

the malaysian temptations at buddha bar, byron bay... f yeah!!

and, naturally, i got a lil carried away with the photo scanning... and found what must be one of my first few camwhoring pics. i mustve been born with that camera in my hands... and what ever happened to my silky smooth lookin hair?! x